Salient Features
Empowering children at their own pace, has been the one thought behind the vision. Learning is approached with harmony between inner directed and outer directed activities.
Childhood is not about teaching, it’s about feeling.
- What I hear
- What I see
- What I touch
- What l eat
- What I smell
Attendance: Schools are now required by law to kcep a careful record of attendance.
Authorbed Absence: If your child is absent, please be kind enough to inform the school and send a letter explaining the absence when he/she will return.
Unauthorised Absence: There are occasions when a child is late or a note has not been received giving a reason for absence or days have been taken outside the scope of the regulations. e.g. occasional days out, holidays longer than 10 days etc. These are regarded as unauthonscd absence.
Permission to lease the Premises: No child be given permission to leave the school premises during the school day without the written permission/request of the parents and the agreement of the Principal.
Illness In School: If a child becomes unwell in school or we have any concerns over the result of the child’s health, parents are contacted by phone. It is essential that the school has an emergency contact number of the parents.
Minor rule breaking will be ignored. Members of staff will provide attention to those who are behaving correctly. When students have to be reminded of the rules, this will he done quietly and calmly with the aim of getting the students back on task as soon as possible. The inappropriate behaviour will be criticised, not the child.
School Bus: A school bus is provided for students travelling from various areas of the city. The details of time and departure points are available at the school office.
Lost Property: Please help by labelling all the stuff with your child’s name. The lost property box is in the resources room. If something is lost, please check the lost property box first. It can be reported to the teacher and, if necessary, the head.
Curricular/Activities: The school has a rich assortment of co-curricular activities. We stage In-house plays, Music, Dance and other activities. Participation in co-curricular and sporting activities takes equal importance alongside academic performance.
The Co-curricular activities include field trips, cultural events, environmental and social service projects and campaigns. Inter House Competitions are conducted in several categories apart from symposium, seminars, current issues etc.
Shikohabad, District.
Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh-283135.