Chairman's Message

chairman-imgEducation is the basis of all progress and it is indeed a profound opportunity and a distinct privilege to serve in the noble cause of providing quality education to our children.

DPIS Shikohabad (A unit of Delhi Public School Pvt. Ltd.) operates in a dynamic educational environment which is constantly changing within & outside the country from its conventional path to a need based model. As we keep pacing up with our educational plan, we are also conscious about the new challenges and the need of the society. Hence our value addition towards the society remains constant.

Being a responsible citizen we are conscious of our responsibility of imbibing the good practices, ethics and cultural value in our budding young generation. We are committed to strive hard to carry forward the educational baton of this region. We won’t leave any stone unturned to prove that our children are capable of becoming the flag bearer of our region, while they will feel proud of announcing themselves to be associated with us.

Ramesh Chandra